


‘Can I Go Home Now?’ is a heartbreaking, moving, and powerful documentary film that gives a voice to Children suffering from the ongoing horrific wars. No adults are allowed to speak in this film. Rarely do Children get to have a say in a war fought by adults, and this film gives the Children a voice and a chance to speak up as they tell the story of this war in their own words. The film bears witness to their experiences, fears and hopes in a ruined landscape. Despite their circumstances, they continue to dream and hope for a better future. The film is a lesson in courage about the impact of conflict on innocent people and a testament to human resilience.

About the movie

Cinessaince Motion Pictures
presents a production of
 Studio 32 | The Hollywood Insider | Human of our World Foundation | Matinee Film Fund | ARR Studios

Shot under the dangerous combat conditions in current war zones

Director’s Notes

“Loud blaring air raid alarms. Rockets/missiles exploding in the sky. Missiles flying towards my hotel as I watch from the window wondering if I have enough time to run to shelter. This is not what I had in mind for my career as a film director when I first started at 17.  After more than a month and a half of being in the current and ongoing war zone, my film ‘Can I Go Home Now’ has wrapped filming, I am exhausted but still functioning due to my passion for Cinema and love for humanitarianism. Hearing all these Children tell me their excruciating suffering has been heartbreaking for me on a daily basis. I nearly quit many times.

A little gymnast who told me a missile took her leg. A teenager who went grocery shopping with his dad, but ended up seeing his dad shot in front of him and he wasn’t allowed to hold his father as he took his last breath. An 11 year old girl who has stopped wearing skirts as she gulps down tears and tells us of her horror of seeing 16 year old girls being taken for a few nights by terrorists. I met with and interviewed three Children who had been kidnapped by russia for over 7 months each. Those 3 Children were among the 16,000 that have been taken by russia. They recounted the torture they were put through, snowy winters without blankets, beaten up regularly, solitary confinement. Hearing these stories on a daily basis has changed me forever. 

For me, this film is more than just a film, it is a revolution, it is the power of Cinema speaking up for humanity, a codebook that will last forever to tell humans to stop committing atrocities on Children so all adult wars must stop. My film is not about politics. It is the story of the war told by the suffering Children, and no adults are allowed to speak. Children never get to have a say in an adult war, this film is going to turn the tables. These Children call me uncle Pritan now. And I have a responsibility to them beyond that of a filmmaker. Before I came to this war zone, I thought I knew what “cruelty” meant. Being here has shown me that I knew nothing about cruelty. Cars with the notice “ONLY KIDS” have 100s of bullet holes in them. My film will be a revolution to protect Children all over the world. 

This film is two of my passions uniting – Cinema and humanitarianism. The tragedy of the title of my film ‘Can I Go Home Now?” is that after several years, the Children still don’t have an answer. I will continue to utilize the Power of Cinema as a form of revolution to defeat hatred, cruelty and terrorism. My film ‘Can I Go Home Now?’ is the proof of the power of Cinema. Cinema when done right and with heart can transform humanity. My only hope is that my film ‘Can I Go Home Now?’ will bring all the Children home.


Watching horrific attacks in front of me for the past few weeks, and yet  I am not afraid. I am empowered as that showed me the urgency of our film. I feel like time is running out and we need to get the message out about these Children now. The world needs to know and act now. I am driven forward by a fire that burns within me. This film is my love letter to humanity. Like I said, This  film is more than just a film. This piece of Cinema is a call to action, my powerful rallying cry, as tragedy unfolds and wreaks havoc due to an ongoing catastrophes caused by cruel terrorism.

I named this film ‘Can I Go Home Now?’ as all parents know that all-too-familiar question that Children ask and the answer is usually a definite one – ‘Yes’. The tragedy of our film’s title is that for the Children, there is no answer…..yet. Definitely, the most heartwrenching and all-consuming project I have ever worked on. I journeyed to this active war zone with a singular purpose in mind: to harness the power of cinema and shed light on the Children’s horrific struggles, and help them find their way back to the love, warmth and comfort of home. I hope this emotional and heartbreaking piece of Cinema that we have created will strike people directly in their hearts and make it beat for Children all over the world. My heart has been shattered into a thousand pieces hearing these Children’s stories, but it is a small price to pay for the chance to bring these children’s stories to the world.

As the director of this cinema-documentary, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to shed light on the devastating impact of the conflict on children. This film is a powerful tribute to their resilience and their unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.”


Pritan Ambroase – Director/Producer



Pritan Ambroase

original score

A.R. Rahman

executive producers

Susan Bala & Dennis Davidson



Andrii Yatskiv

Can I Go Home Now? Stills


Tim Avramchuk


Jerzy Zawadzki & Hubert Pusek

Sound design

Line Producer

Nika Ostratyuk

Art Director

Andrii Burianenko


Pritan Ambroase


Pritan Ambroase is a film director, producer, media entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is originally from Kent in England and continues to be globally praised for combining entertainment, philanthropy and education to further humanitarianism to unite people all over the world. Being one of the few Hollywood CEOs who has physically protested on foot for human rights in more than 25 countries, he has been nicknamed the ‘Rebel with A Cause’.   As the CEO of The Hollywood Insider media network, Ambroase took on the task of revamping the entire brand into one that focuses solely on substance & meaningful entertainment and banned gossip and scandal, by combining entertainment, education and philanthropy. Media is tool that can positively affect one and all, and it is with that intention that Hollywood Insider’s value sets have been written https://www.hollywoodinsider.com/our-values/.

Ambroase is also the President of ‘The Masters of Cinema Awards’ which recognizes excellence and extraordinary contribution to Cinema in many categories. The goal of the awards ceremony is to recognize extraordinary talent without campaigning and politics involved. Past winners include the French director Olivier Dahan of Marion Cotillard-starring film ‘La Vie en Rose’ and also the Tamil director of ‘Dil Se’ Mani Ratnam – the film also featured music by two-time Oscar-winning A. R. Rahman.

At the age of 18, Ambroase started the 501(c)(3) philanthropic organization named “Humans of Our World Foundation” which has gone on to help people and causes in need in over 190 countries all over the world. The foundation’s official spokespersons include Oscar Winner Dame Judi Dench, Joanna Lumley OBE, Andy Serkis, etc. –https://www.humansofourworld.org/

His diverse upbringing shaped the values he possesses. By the time he graduated from 12th grade (High School/Secondary School), he had attended 11 different schools, of which, 6 were boarding schools, in seven different countries and three different continents and that meant a plethora of languages, cultures, and religions. Having seen such vastly different cultures exhibit similarities between each other, gave him the notion to unite the world through education of ‘each other’, entertainment and philanthropy.


A. R. Rahman


Two-time Oscar winner A. R. Rahman is popular for his works in Hollywood and Indian Cinema; being a winner of notably six National Film Awards.

Composer Rahman declared:

“Pritan arrived in my life in a magical way, like he dropped from the sky [😉😉] and I was surprised with how much he knew about some of my rarely exposed compositions. While conversing with him regularly, I understood that we share common beliefs about Love, humanity, and music… and that made the process more organic between us. I am stunned by his Courage to touch such an important subject which involves risking his life tremendously!”

Rahman also has reached international recognition with cinema, as he is a winner of two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, a BAFTA Award, and a Golden Globe Award for Slumdog Millionaire. In 2010, the Indian government conferred him with the Padma Bhushan, the nation’s third- highest civilian award. Rahman is also a humanitarian and philanthropist, donating and raising money for a number of causes and charities. Rahman has also made his debut as a director and writer for the film Le Musk that is now nominated for a Producer’s Guild Award in 2023.

He is sometimes nicknamed “Mozart of Madras” and was included in 2009 on the Time list of the world’s 100 most influential people. In 2014, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music.

The music of Can I Go Home Now? have been recorded in Firdaus studio in Dubai, Los Angeles, Budapest and Chennai. 

The magic of Rahman for the revolution ‘Can I Go Home Now?’ – join us. 


Susan Bala - Executive Producer - Can I Go Home Now

Susan Bala

Executive Producer

Susan Bala is an entrepreneur with multiple global companies credited for revolutionizing various industries since the 1980s. Due to her continued success in business and economic development, Ms. Bala was selected by the U.S. government as a Delegate for the United States Commerce Department in 1996, where she represented the United States in its Trade Missions to Latin America. She expanded her business throughout the region, establishing a multi-lingual international technology center that served the U.S. and Latin America.


As Executive Producer of the film ‘Can I Go Home Now?’, she explains why she decided to collaborate with director/producer Pritan Ambroase on this film for humanity, “I decided to become the Executive Producer for this film because it is purely the voices of the children. My father went through WWII as a child in Poland, went through life-threatening experiences eventually escaping to the United Kingdom. More than 70 years later, we are again here, with untold suffering of children all over this planet. We can do better for all of the children and we must see through their eyes to do it.


Pritan has been gifted with the inner eye of vision. He sees the vision completely and intuitively knows how to create and manifest it. His highest soul and heart are connected to his intelligence, and his passion will not let him stop until the mission is realized. Pritan truly feels and lives for humanity – it is infused into everything he does. His energy is boundless. This project is inspired and I feel deeply that Pritan’s work through this project will create a powerful voice that speaks in the most profound and needed way.


It is moving and very emotional film.  The images are haunting. The music still plays in my head. We have become desensitized to the images of the physical destruction of war. Pritan has chosen to communicate the emotion, contrasting otherwordly beauty against a backdrop of the harshest realties. These children, show us stark pain that leaves you silent. Their innocence and pain is inescapable. And yet, they hold on to hope that speaks to the spirit. It is art and truth. A must see that cuts though all the layers of defenses, straight to the heart. And leaves you with a call to action for good.”


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